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Passage of House Bill 175 (2022)

Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering se ha asociado con la Clínica Veterinaria Canyons  para brindar atención médica y tratamiento de rutina a los animales de nuestro programa. Son una clínica veterinaria nueva y de vanguardia en Cottonwood Heights, propiedad de la Dra. Heather Moreau. Nos encanta su modelo de clínica pequeña y privada, que les permite brindar atención y tratamiento individualizados a cada animal. Pueden recibir resultados de análisis de sangre en minutos, ofrecer citas el mismo día y ofrecer servicios de entrega en caso de que  no puede permanecer con su mascota para un chequeo o visita menor al veterinario. También ofrecen radiografía Full HD, dermatología, vacunas, cirugías de esterilización / castración y atención de emergencia / urgencia. ¡Estamos encantados de poder trabajar junto a ellos para proporcionar servicios veterinarios para nuestro programa!  

Nos sentimos muy honrados de que la Dra. Moreau se una a nuestra Junta Directiva en febrero de 2021. Ella y su equipo sienten pasión por el trabajo que Ruff Haven está haciendo en la comunidad. 


Passage of Senate Bill 116 (2024)

In partnership with Senator Jen Plumb, Ruff Haven ran an amendment to Senate Bill 116 to provide further protections for pets during an eviction. 

On February 23, 2024, with a unanimous “yea” in the Senate, the Utah State Legislature passed an amendment to S.B. 116. This amendment to the current eviction laws lays out a quick response process for landlords and the animal control authority during an eviction/lockout for the pet residing in the home. Notice of where a pet is being taken will be required, as well as required release to an owner who is present onsite. 

We want to thank Salt Lake County Animal Services, Animal Care of Davis County, Sandy City Animal Services, and the Rental Housing Association of Utah for speaking in favor of this bill. It's not often that you can get all parties impacted on board and unanimously pass good legislation. And of course, a giant thanks to Senator Jen Plumb for seeing the need for this language and sponsoring the bill. 



Local Advocacy

Ruff Haven is an active participant at the local and state advocacy levels. 

Some of our accomplishments: 

  • Became a member of Salt Lake County's Continuum of Care, The Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness, and successfully created a Pet Support Task Force. 

  • Successfully added questions regarding pet ownership and barriers to housing to the annual Point in Time Count throughout the state, required by HUD to track data regarding pet owners experiencing homelessness. 

  • Received one-time state appropriation funding in 2023 to provide shelter and services to families experiencing domestic violence, becoming the first animal welfare organization in the state of Utah to receive an appropriation.

  • Received a three-year state appropriation grant in 2024 through the National Opioids Settlement to provide sheltering and preventive medical services to the pets of people with an opioid use disorder, allowing them to seek treatment.


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